To say that this year has been uncharacteristic in terms of weather is an understatement, the northeast monsoon failed and because of no rains as we have seen earlier the winds are a lot stronger, which means choppy seas all the time, messy yes but we do not have any control over continually changing weather patters that now predominate in the tropics.
We had Micheal Meng back with another group and you will remember from our October report that were into some great fish, this story is the same however this time the fish won and that is what makes this such a fascinating sport for us to keep coming back to.
On day one the weather was holding up and we decided on an early start to get to the spots we knew where fish were holding.
The session begins in fantastic conditions
Jigging is soon rewarded with screaming drags and some nice fish being boated.
Take a look at the size of this golden trevally
Another great take and a screaming run…… but it runs out of steam soon after
And the angler is rewarded with a nice Spaniard that for once did not bite clean through the leader
Relaxing after the days fishing by the beach with a bunch of friends, this is what makes a holiday!!!
Local musicians at the resort will sing to tune and can impress you with their repertoire
What everyone come to the tropics for seafood
and more seafood.
More jigging action, this day we had a huge fish hit at jig, it screamed off line, stopped and then screamed off again, when we got the jig back a 10/0 jigging hook was opened, can you believe this!!!
Hookup as the GT’s start to play in the right conditions
And happiness once a fish is boated
After this fish we had two amazing hook ups and almost immediately after line breaks, those were possibly the fish of the trip lost.
A large twin spot snapper also on popper, in the midst of all the GT action we had a nice Doggie estimated 40kg come up and crashed a popper on the current line with its full body out of the water, as it took off on its screaming run the angler lost his balance and it was all over in a flash.
Final stages of a fight with a GT near the boat is where you have to be most attentive.
In the hoop, a quick picture and then release.
Multiple strikes with reef jigging action
Lots of species as well
A very nice sized long nosed emperor as well
If you have the right jigs and techniques the action is non stop……
As we went into the later part of the trip the weather again picked up with strong wind blowing again from the North East and this definitely put the fish down however we still managed to land and boat some nice fish.
What is does mean is that when conditions get worse you have to persevere longer to get the results you want and this is just what the crew did.
Each angler had a shot at some decent fish on the trip.
And were all smiles when the one they were after finally came on board.
The last GT taken on the trip
The crew at the end of the trip, see you again soon guys.
Till next time tight lines.